Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Character Design: Mouse Guard

The Mouse Guard RPG has a fun character creation model that helps shape your character pretty well, so the between-the-lines can actually be best seen through that lens.

Lynn is a young GuardMouse from the town of Port Sumac.  She is a talented scout and bit of a loner; While she does what she can to help everyone, she does so of her own accord and seeks little recognition.
Lynn spends much of her time scouting the wilderness, and has a keen sense of survival.  She continues to practice her trade of Cartography, often updating maps or making new ones if she blazes a trail.
Her mentor Tander always stressed being self-sufficient in the wilderness, and having studied under her father Laird as a hunter while growing up, Lynn has spent much of her time learning to live closely with the wilds.
While she finds the concept of blindly charging in to be a foolish one, Lynn does not like to hesitate when faced with any challenge or situation.  If she cannot take direct action, she will take proactive measures or prepare an ambush.

Name: Lynn
Age: 19
Home: Port Sumac
Fur Color: Grey
Guard Rank: GuardMouse
Cloak Color: Light Blue
Parents: Laird + Brynn(Hunter and Boatcrafter)
Senior Artisan: Faolan the Mapmaker
Mentor: Tander
Friend: Gamlion the Carpenter
Enemy: Serra the Captain

Belief: "Fear not cast aside, but knowing its place."*
Instinct: Never hesitate to address a challenge.

Nature(Mouse): 4
Will: 3
Health: 5
Resources: 3
Circles: 1

Hunter: 4
Scout: 4
Survivalist: 3
Weather Watcher: 3
Deceiver: 2
Cartographer: 2
Stream-Wise: 2
Herb-Wise: 2

*I changed the word Caution to Fear here, because I feel it is a little more fitting to Lynn.  As I thought about her perception of that belief as a statement, what it means to her is that fear is a good thing to be aware of, but to not let that fear overcome you or hold you back.  As a Guard it will be often that you must act in spite of fear, and it is important to put it "in its place".

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