Friday, August 9, 2013

A Scary Thought

I follow SciShow, CrashCourse, and The Brain Scoop, so that's where this is coming from.  A couple things I've recently been informed of were the disappearance of A LOT of honey bees, and the deaths of MANY bats.  According to the Brain Scoop(and honestly I can't help but to see the validity in the thought), we(as a planet) are probably approaching another mass extinction.  This time though, it probably won't be from some major natural disaster(at least not from the root);  Humans will most likely be the primary cause.

Human actions have helped lead to Colony Collapse Disorder, the cause of the vanishing of a majority of honey bee populations.  Studies have been finding increasing reason to believe that many of our pesticides and maybe especially fungicides are causing this problem, in which entire bee colonies seem to just up and... bee gone?

As far as the bats go, this is an American thing(as in North America, not the U.S.(IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT US)), since the fungus which is killing off so many bats(6.7 Million in the last 5 to 6 years) was originally from Europe, where it doesn't really seem to affect the bat population there.  It's likely that people visiting Europe have inadvertently carried the fungus back here to North America, and we all know how bad invasive species can be(BAD.  STOP TRANSPLANTING WILDLIFE PEOPLE COME ON).

Bees are incredible pollinators, and without them it will severely cripple many crops and the ability to grow them, and if we think outside humans... this is gonna be horrible for like, plants everywhere.  Scientists are still trying to find out what is the major causes, and what we can do to stop or slow CCD.  So bats... bats typically eat their weight in insects every night, and also help pollinate and disperse seeds.  Imagine insects(like mosquitoes and all the awesome gifts they give us) running much more rampant(okay so yeah we'd probably just use more insecticides... because that sounds like such a good idea.  COME ON PEOPLE) and not being controlled, spreading disease and eating plants and all that jazz.  The impact of these two creatures dying off on a huge scale has huge implications for ecosystems as a whole.  So the idea that another mass extinction is on the way, is a pretty real and scary thought.

The Brain Scoop on Mass Extinction -
SciShow on the Vanishing of Bees -
SciShow on the Dying-Off of Bats -

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