Monday, November 4, 2013

OH HAI Another One?

Maybe you know this and maybe you don't, but I like to pretend to be creative or artistic or what-have-you, to the point where it's what I do with a lot of my free time.  I draw, I draft up thoughts and arcs and characters and ideas, imagining whole new worlds and... systems I guess.  There's a lot I've already made, and I'm continuously doing something or other, so at this point I'm tired of hoarding all this ideas and stories and characters.  You don't know hardly any of them, and you certainly don't know them as well as I do, but many of the characters and stories have been stewing for years, and there's so much more to them than I ever imagined when I began dreaming up characters, like Spaz the Stickman and Sven "Danger" Kirschtorte.

sfjigmjigrd lrklgdklfkl fk

Is the best answer I can give as to why I bother posting my drawings, blogging, vlogging or generally sharing, since I think it's a messy thing to argue about, people sharing their ideas.  Who even cares what I have to say?  I don't address these questions rightfully, because just trying to answer that seems unproductive.  Why would I do it if I didn't want to do it?  So clearly, this is something that I am personally inclined to do.  I'm digressing.  Anyways, you can also follow me on:
Google+ - Alturiigo
Tumblr - Alturiigo
Twitter - @AdamLese

Trot On Everypony

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