Sunday, March 16, 2014

Living A Life

There a few loose ideas I have a hard time perfectly explaining, but if you can get behind the understanding of false nostalgia, then we'll be off to an excellent start.

I like stories, often epic fantasies but era and setting vary as I've found so many different tales and... experiences?  Reading a book, watching a movie, playing a game, these have become different mediums for our idea of a story-telling experience.  Heck, most of the original stories were kept up in oral tradition.  What I'm getting at is that even ones that tell of human history and are often true to whatever degree make me feel like I was born in some wrong time.  I appreciate all the luxuries and benefits afforded me in this day and age, don't get me wrong.  Today is not a life of luxury for all by any means anyways.  Maybe I should join the Peace Corps for a spell.  Hmm.  Perhaps I'll table that another time.

Every time I want to explore this I don't get terribly far in before it sounds more like I wish there was some great calamity or war or struggle(like I dunno, HUMAN RIGHTS or something), and that's not what it is.  I suppose it's more like day-dreaming wishing I was in another time, a simpler one... one in which I suppose I couldn't share my thoughts like this. Which I suppose is up to you to decide if that's good or bad.  And that's the pinch and the punch of it.

Trot On Everypony,

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