Before I get back to going over Kelly's story, I would like to share a picture of a character designed for my Role-Playing System, the Zombie Apocalypse version -
Ella was a CNA before the apocalypse, and also loved photography and jogging. She's is of a curious nature, always trying to understand the things around her. She would jog almost every day, at least around her neighborhood just to get out and about.
She is a determined person with sharp eyes and a quick mind, as well as the skills to help those in need of medical aid.
The little bubble is the character concept phrased like the Cypher System, as seen in Numenera. I enjoy that take on character design, and I recently came across a couple other instances of presenting a character that way in my notes.

In the "story", Ella photographs the apocalypse and its toll on StoneBridge and its residents, and even does reports when Luke Fields, Cassie Anderton, and the other Residents secure the radio station several months in. Ella is not "designed" to be a combat-oriented character, her ability to survive is mostly boosted by her Perception and stamina, both mental and physical.

There are a few other characters to the story, I'll add some other ones here for fun -
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