Thursday, December 22, 2016

On My Personal "Dream Job"

From videos to blog posts, all derived from late nights and endless thought, I've shared about my thoughts on what I want to do, who I am, what I want to be.  I've thought about "where I see myself in x years", and asked myself, "What do I do when I just do what I want?", and that's helped me look at it in a several different ways.  I'd like to share a little now that I've had more time to shape the understandings about myself that I have gained.

Making a living is kind of important, and while arguably there are many ways to "live", participating in general society pretty much requires finances.  That's more or less the extent of my drive for personal wealth- I mean sure having plenty of money would be great, but I have no desire to collect or hoard it.  I care about trying to be a good person, and for me, caring about how I work and what it says about me is a part of that, more so than how much money I make.

I love to create, to draw, to produce, to share.  I spend a lot of time thinking about stuff, and through talking to others I've learned that I really enjoy helping others to reach for their own goals and see both the world and themselves a little more complexly.  Through creating, drawing, and sharing, I've found ways that I can try to encourage others while doing something that I love myself.  There's a living to be made for this, though it's not exactly easy and can require some luck for the circumstances to create a financial income.  This would be my dream though.

I would love to be able to spend my time producing content, so that I may not only share the things that I love and the things that I've learned, but to also create a greater means to be able to encourage others to be the best versions of themselves that they can.  I'd need to make a living through this to be able to give it all of my attention, but past the cost of living and career expense(art supplies, etc), I feel confident in saying that I would like to redirect gains towards helping others.  There are countless charities and programs that could use support all over the world, and even in my own small way, I would indeed like to help the idea of the world.

It's still hard to try to say this and take myself fully seriously, because while I respect artists, vloggers, bloggers, journalists- I also ended up feeling like those weren't "realistic jobs" when I was trying to originally think about my life goals.  Here we are now, many years later, and it's only that much harder to take myself seriously, despite all the hard work I've put towards this "dream job" - one that is not so far in the dream realm any more.  In some ways, this post is also about trying to take myself seriously by pronouncing it- by giving it shape and direction as well as breaking it from being limited to an internalized thought.

It's frightening to face the possibility of reaching for your dream, and I can only imagine it would be much much more so for people whose very identity and existence goes against "expectation" and acceptance.

Trot On Everypony,

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