Friday, May 24, 2013

Oh, and Hello

Maybe some form of an introduction or explanation is in order. Ehem.

When not using my real name(such as in forums or online games or other instances when it's not normal or considered wise) I go by Alturiigo, which actually did not come from me trying to find a funny or different way to spell the words Alter and Ego.  It came from a couple characters I designed, of which Altur came first, his character personality and certain design elements borrowed from a scrapped story idea.  I liked Altur's sort of distant, somber personality, and really wanted to realize the character he should become.  As I began to work on Echoes, and playing with the ideas of characters who had spirits bound or paired with them in some fashion, the character Iigo was born.  Altur and Iigo were bound to each other... blah blah there's a whole story.  I digress though.  After the birth of the pairing, it seemed a great pen-name, as well as relevant to myself, even if for the most part that's not known.

Point of why I'm typing all this is because I often have tons of thoughts firing, and keeping the ideas bottled and also not talking about these creative passions of mine stifles my ability to create within them.  When I was running a game with my d10 System I was able to produce copious amounts of work on the system and the setting, my muse was with me and I was continuously inspired as I used the system.

On a side note, I'm a Brony, a bartender(I love mixing drinks and generally the nature of bartending), I'm a geek, and while I wouldn't say I'm a writer or an artist, I love creating stories and characters and settings and creatures and backstories and histories and... you get the idea.

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