It's something I ask myself quite frequently, even just throughout a normal day. What do I hope to accomplish? Most of the time I settle with my own perspective that in the end, my goal is often insignificant or only of self-worth. Lately over the years I've tried to become less hesitant to share things that I believe no one wants to hear, not because I believe I have unique incredible thoughts, but rather... wait where am I going with this?...
There's some saying like, "The secret's in the telling", and to be honest I don't really read into it super far to see what it makes me think. But through my personal context and filters, it gives me an impression that to some degrees as social creatures, there's a nature to sharing our thoughts and feelings that I consider to be a part of human mindset(a bit of a generalization but I'm not coming from the context of "fact and professional opinion"). Did I do a poor job of explaining myself? Honest question.
Maybe I can say it better, like: While having a thought is amazing of its own merit, its existence is also in that of its shared experience.
Also, I'm working on a second Thoughts and Questions video for ma YouTube channel so I hope to post that in the next couple days(gotta fix the sound... ugh).
Also for tonight's drink is the Iced Spiced Cider... or we'll see if I can make that work anyways
Enjoy Your Wednesdays Everypony!!!(spell check, stop hatin')
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