I'd generally agree with someone who quoted the advice that "You shouldn't rely on the opinions and support of others in how you look at yourself". How you feel about yourself should come from you, though I've always been one to shy away from absolutes in statements and ideas. I can't help but notice the fact that we can't always see ourselves perfectly, and in fact that's probably where most people actually run into trouble when trying to follow this advice.
What I actually wanted to touch on about this though, is that it can be dangerous to take this idea and run with it, because either A: You ignore cues from your surroundings(other people), and B: You may feel like needing help or support from other people makes you weak, which may in turn cause you to feel even weaker about yourself...
So, yeah. I don't think a person should be thought of as weak for sometimes needing the support of others, people who want to bring positivity into their life. It seems as though many people I see on a general basis tend to find me positive and outgoing, and it turns out I'm a bit of a people person(my schoolmates never saw that coming). I expel a lot of positive energy at those around me, it's kind of just a part of who I am. Consequently, I spend most of my good feelings on other people, with not the greatest of return on the upliftiness.
To be honest, I don't do what I do to feel better about myself, or to make people like me. It's just... what I'm supposed to do. Or maybe more specifically, what I do just naturally.
Positive Energy: Depleted
Reserve Tanks: Empty
Trot On Everypony,
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