I'm pretty sure I recently touched on how awesome it was that even what 4 or 5 years later, I still learn more about characters I've created. I just started with a pose/expression in mind, and I ended up drawing an old character(Bec) with a new detail in design and personal history.
So for whatever rhyme or reason I thought of my Yeti Language for "The Visceroth Cluster" setting(I think it was because I was thinking about how to "explain" words with the advantage of language), and I realized how to structure a lot of the words and concepts.
See it uses a variety of verbs, which can be conjugated into nouns- okay here's an example
Garuten - to write(infinitive)
Garutenur - wrote(past tense)
Garutenrir - writing(-tenrir is to express a gerund)
Garudan - words(-dan is what is accomplished with the verb - build to buildings)
Garudos - letters(-dos is what is used to accomplish the verb - build to... building tools)
Garutar - one who writes(-tar is the accomplisher of the verb - build to builder)
The language also uses a variety of particles to connect nouns and verbs, expressing possession, an indirect object, a direct object, and other relationships between words. Apparently these are a few-
kur - direct object particle(the following word is the direct object of the previous word)
wur - in(to express the first noun being within the second noun)
pur - to(such as "going from here to there", or "from this to that")
sur - possessive particle(the following word is possessed by the previous word)
tur - directive particle(for or "for the purpose of")
ti - ?bridging particle(used to establish a subject noun(which will precede it))
I constructed some sentences to try out the language, so here-
Irunos made structures for Gunkoreth.
Full: Irunos ti nustenur kur reldos tur Gunkoreth.
Common: Irunos nustenur reldos tur Gunkoreth.
Okay so I wrote a bunch more sentences but I didn't write their English translations and I'm not up to translating all that right meow.
TL;DR: I came up with more stuff for a made up language yay
Trot On Everpony,