Monday, October 24, 2016

An Open-Letter Comment

I was typing a response comment to a post wondering why people are still trying to stop abortions/control people, and I cut and pasted what I had so far here; I believe it wouldn't have been read... right.
The question, in a way that it is never worded, is whether it is the responsibility of the government to prohibit abortions - the importance of "Pro-Life"['s] use of the term murder. The government is "supposed to represent the will of its people", so it "should" be up to the citizens if it is something that should be prohibited. I feel as though the nation is honestly divided in its beliefs, which is why there is still a debate about it.

I can't get very far when I ask myself if I think abortions should be legal, because I think it's a very loaded question. I believe life should be valued, and that's usually the argument on both sides. From there, it becomes a question of whether its the government's responsibility to outlaw abortions, or if this is something that oversteps though bounds of what a government should control.

If it's murder, it seems like something that should be prohibited by law. It's also a matter of a person's body though, and is the government in control of your body? I'm not sure to be honest what the answer would be for this, because I don't know that a question of this nature can be answered so broadly by a law.

Is the government supposed to represent Good and Right, or the will or its peoples? These ideas are not automatically inclusive, and has been one of the biggest questions since people have been vying for power - for better or worse.