Monday, July 29, 2013

Friendship and Effort

So, this is something I've been thinking about recently, and I suppose for a long time.  Friendship does not require effort or contribution; it's a poor idea to value friendship by what people do or the effort they spend on you.  But that being said...

If a "friend" fails to spend any effort on me, or treat me as an equal, it makes me question whether or not I should consider them a friend.  This thought is based on the concept that a friend shouldn't have to make an effort, but should choose to.  I struggle with this because I don't like to be petty.  But if someone doesn't appreciate you for who you are, or wants to spend time with you, then it's a pretty good sign that they don't really think of you as a real friend.

If you treat someone with respect and equality, take time to help them and make them happy(and even help them without them knowing just so things are easier or days go smoother), and they don't even seem to appreciate it... well, then they probably aren't worth spending the time on.  Fact of the matter is, while friendship isn't based on how much you do for the other person, if all they do is give them the impression that your efforts are worthless, then they probably aren't your friend.  Just sayin'.

So while you shouldn't have to break your back to maintain a friendship, you should be willing to take the time for your friends or at least show them you value them as a person and a friend.  Otherwise, they aren't that wrong in deciding to drop your sorry ass and spend their time and effort on someone who values them.

Alright, I'm done ranting, trot on everypony,

1 comment:

  1. Being considerate goes a long way in friendships. Thinking of others tends to come more naturally and readily when a friendship is strong since the emotional distance is very short. Such things only tend to become effortful when circumstances cause a temporary rift between friends (ex: distance / schedules) but those can easily be worked through.
