Monday, July 8, 2013

Tribulations of Tabletop RPG's, Expense

So as I mentioned in a recent vlog post(, I'm interested in checking out the Mouse Guard System.  After checking out the official Mouse Guard site and finding no link to purchasing just the core rule book, just the super expensive box set($179), I searched some more and found just the core rule book for purchase.  At $89 plus change.  I kind of get it... but it makes it hard not only as a GM, but the thought of finding players and trying to provide them time to use the books is disheartening.

I'm still gonna try to look more into it and see if I might go about getting it, but I just wanted to share this bit, especially since I recently have been facing a similar issue with my z10 system(the getting players book time, or their own copies aspect).  Tabletop RPG's can be a pretty expensive hobby, most core rule books run from $50 to $60.  Dice sets can be expensive, a decent battle map can run $20 to $25, and then there's the fun of errata books and supplements(which can help make this whole process even more expensive... but admittedly more fun too).  Anyhoo, that's my bit for now.

Trot on everypony,

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